OrangeWebsite Cloud VPS is ideal options for you if you wish to have the freedom of a dedicated server without the typical cost. When you choose our Cloud VPS solution, you can enjoy the great benefits of our privacy and freedom of speech legislation. All of our servers are hosted in Iceland with 100% green energy!

Our Cloud VPS solutions start as low as €22.40 p/month for Level 1 if ordered for the longest billing cycle of 3 years (25% Discount or 9 Months Saving)

Why choose OrangeWebsite cloud VPS solution?

Picture of a server with clouds above

Why Cloud VPS?

If you are looking for a hosting solution with unlimited control of your machine and with the affordability of a shared hosting plan, Cloud VPS may be your answer. Cloud VPS is an intermediate option with the features of both shared hosting and dedicated servers. We offer Cloud VPS's with backup service.

Sheep holding a control knob

Full Control of your server

Our servers are always operated with full root access. Popular control panel such as cPanel can be added as an extra and pre-installed for you for a license fee. We can install Windows specifically on a server if we're given a valid key for that version of Windows (Only 2008+), allowing you to take full advantage of remote desktop functionality and other advanced features.

Lock surrounded by sheep, security

The security of our clients is our top priority.

We store all sensitive data encrypted. Our servers have full backups that can be accessed via an SSH connection or similar encrypted connection. Read here more how we protect the security of our hosting environment.

Map of Iceland

Enjoy our modern privacy and freedom of speech legislation

Our data centers are located in Iceland, which is famous for its freedom of expression laws. The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative (I.M.M.I.) provides you better privacy and lower online censorship than most countries. Iceland is a completely independent nation outside of the European Union.

Renewable energy, Hydroelectric plant in nature

Save Nature

All of our servers run on 100% renewable energy. By choosing green products and services, you can help to prevent climate change. Read more about our mission to help environment here.