The use of services from OrangeWebsite.com [hereafter referred to as "OrangeWebsite"] constitutes agreement to these terms. We are GDPR compliant and by accepting these terms and conditions you also accept our policy located here.


Account Setup / Email on file

We will setup your account after we have received payment and we have screened the order(s) in case of fraud. It is your responsibility to provide us with an email address which is not with the domain(s) you are signing up under. If there is ever an abuse issue or we need to contact you, the primary email address on file will be used for this purpose. It is your responsibility to ensure the email address on file is current or up to date at all times. If you have a domain name registered with OrangeWebsite, it is your responsibility to ensure that the contact information for your domain account and your actual domain name(s) is correct and up-to-date. OrangeWebsite is not responsible for a lapsed registration due to outdated contact information being associated with the domain. If you need to verify or change this information, you should contact our sales team via email. Providing false contact information of any kind may result in the termination of your account.



Sites hosted on OrangeWebsite.com's service(s) are regulated only by Icelandic Law. OrangeWebsite.com is not in a position to investigate and validate or invalidate the veracity of individual defamation claims, which is why we rely on the legal system and courts to determine whether or not material is indeed considered defamatory, infringing, false or it's legality. In any case in which an Icelandic court order indicates material is defamatory, libelous, or slanderous in nature; we will comply and remove or disable access to the material in question.

If in doubt regarding the acceptability of your site or service, please contact us at abuse@orangewebsite.com and we will be happy to assist you.

a. Harm to minors
Potential harm to minors is strictly forbidden, including but not limited to child pornography, pedophilia or content perceived to be child pornography (Lolita):

b. Child Pornography
Any site found to host child pornography or linking to child pornography will be suspended immediately without notice.

c. Terrorism
Any website found to host or otherwise sponsor material that supports terrorism will be suspended immediately with or without notice on a case by case basis.

d. Prohibited Content: Hate Speech and Discriminatory Material
Any website found to host or otherwise sponsor material that promotes or endorses hateful speech towards any group of people based on ethnic or national origin, color, race, or religion may be suspended without notice. This policy is in strict alignment with Icelandic Penal Code XXIV, Article 233, paragraph a. Please refer to the following link for more information.

e. Doxxing
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards doxxing. Any website found revealing or facilitating the revelation of private or personal information about individuals with harmful intent will be immediately suspended with or without notice. This includes indirect methods such as using third-party services or public platforms to disseminate the information.

OrangeWebsite.com fully abides by the Icelandic Penal Code section 233, which specifies indiscrimination. Details of the penal code can be found General Criminal Code.

It is your responsibility to ensure that scripts/programs installed under your account are secure and permissions of directories are set properly, regardless of installation method. When at all possible, set permissions on most directories to 755 or as restrictive as possible. Users are ultimately responsible for all actions taken under their account. This includes the compromise of credentials such as user name and password. It is required that you use a secure password. If a weak password is used, your account may be suspended until you agree to use a more secure password. Audits may be done to prevent weak passwords from being used. If an audit is performed, and your password is found to be weak, we will notify you and allow time for you to change/update your password.

Your service as well as account may be terminated with or without notice based on the severity of the violation. Severe violations may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.



The following sections outline various policies that apply to our services. These policies are designed to ensure compliance with legal standards, promote safety, and maintain the integrity of our service offerings. We encourage all users to read these policies carefully and adhere to the guidelines set forth in this policy.


Online Pharmacy Policy

a. Definitions.
An "Online Pharmacy" refers to any website that sells or facilitates the sale of pharmaceutical products, including prescription medications. "Applicable Laws" refer to the legal and regulatory framework governing this agreement, which is the jurisdiction of Iceland (excluding Article 6.4, as OrangeWebsite.com has no control over the registrar’s terms of service).

b. Abuse policy.
Services (hosting or domains) registered with OrangeWebsite.com may not be used to facilitate the sale of drugs in violation of Applicable Laws. This expressly includes, but is not limited to, the sale of prescription drugs without a prescription based on a prior in-person examination, except where such is expressly permitted by Applicable Laws, or selling unapproved drugs (e.g., falsified medicines, counterfeit drugs, or drugs unapproved for sale).

These Terms and Conditions notify you that OrangeWebsite.com acts on notices from LegitScript about domain names/domain extensions that violate this section of our policy. If you have any questions about the basis for your website's LegitScript classification, please contact LegitScript at legitscript.com.

c. Sole Responsibility.
It is your sole responsibility to be familiar with, and ensure that your website complies with, Applicable Laws. You agree that marketing prescription drugs to a jurisdiction despite not being appropriately licensed to dispense prescription drugs there, or selling drugs online in a way that does not comply with Applicable Laws, constitutes fraud and is a violation of this agreement.

d. Domain name suspension.
Starting from the 26th of August 2012, we may suspend and PERMANENTLY lock online pharmacy domains that reasonably appear in breach of our ONLINE PHARMACY POLICY without prior notice to you. Suspended online pharmacy domain names will remain locked and CANNOT be transferred away to another Registrar until and unless LegitScript notifies us that the domain name is no longer classified as operating in violation of this section.

e. Indemnification.
You hereby agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any and all loss occasioned by you as a result of us suspending your domain name. You also agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any complaints made against you by third parties and any loss that occurs due to any third party complaints. Further, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold us harmless if LegitScript designates a domain name you have registered as operating in violation of this section.


Drug Policy

Services registered with OrangeWebsite.com be it domain or hosting may not be used to facilitate the sale of drugs in violation of 1974 nr. 65 21. mai Which has a clear list of all narcotics illegal. Further details can be found in the 1994 nr. 93 20. mai.

Services relating to performance enhancing drugs are not to be hosted on Shared Hosting/Virtual Server environment and can only be hosted on their own Dedicated Server solution. Any takedown request granted by the courts of Iceland are taken seriously as Orangewebsite abide by the law fully. A suspension/termination of a product resulting from a court injunction voids any moneyback guarantee clause.


Network Scanning Policy

As of January 2017, the use of any of our server products for any form of scanning activity or survey bot activity is prohibited. Should a client use our shared, vps or dedicated server solutions for scanning or similar activities of abuse we will suspend the services immediately with or without notice. This does not apply to clients who registered with this company prior to this policy change.


Stresser/Bruteforce Policy

As of January 2024, we have implemented a policy prohibiting the use of our server products, including shared, VPS, and dedicated servers, as well as domain names, for stress testing, brute-force testing, or any other forms of volumetric testing. In the event that these services are utilized for such prohibited activities, we reserve the right to suspend the services immediately, with or without prior notice. Please note that this policy change does not affect clients who registered with our company before the implementation of this policy.



Phishing/Scam Any service found to be purposely used for phishing/and or scamming information or other similar malicious pracices on our network, will be immediately suspended/terminated with or without notice for breach of terms of service and any product therein confiscated.


Carding/Leaked Sensitive Financial Data

OrangeWebsite does not support trafficking, sharing or selling online stolen credit card, bank account, PayPal, Application accounts, or other sensitive/leaked/hacked financial information under any circumstances. Any service under our hosting environment found being used for hosting such material will be suspended immediately without notice.


Counterfeit Currency

OrangeWebsite does not support hosting of websites featuring counterfeit currency for purchase. Any website found doing such and is not clearly meant for novelty purpose will be suspended immediately with or without notice as counterfeiting currency goes against the laws as stated in Chapter XVI of the General Criminal Code Article 150.


Payment Information

You agree to supply appropriate payment for the services received from OrangeWebsite, in advance of the time period during which such services are provided. You agree that until and unless you notify OrangeWebsite of your desire to cancel any or all services received, those services will be billed on a recurring basis. This includes when accounts are suspended. When an account's invoices are paid outside of the 7 day grace period, invoices will not be automatically generated. However, after the customer notifies OrangeWebsite of his or intent to resume service, invoices will be manually generated and payment expected for the time the account was suspended.

Cancellations must be done in writing via email. Once we receive your cancellation and have confirmed all necessary information with you via e-mail, we will inform you in writing (typically email) that your account has been canceled. Before cancelling your account we are requesting you to provide us your latest PayPal transaction ID number or similar. This process reduces the likelihood of mistakes, fraudulent/malicious requests, and ensures you are aware that the files, emails, and account may be removed immediately after a cancellation request is processed.

As a client of OrangeWebsite, it is your responsibility to ensure that your payment information is up to date, and that all invoices are paid on time. You agree that until and unless you notify OrangeWebsite of your desire to cancel any or all services received, those services will be billed on a recurring basis, unless otherwise stated in writing by OrangeWebsite. OrangeWebsite reserves the right to bill your credit card or billing information on file with us. OrangeWebsite provides a 7 day grace period from the time the invoice is due. Any invoice that is outstanding for 7 days after due and not paid will result in a 10 EUR late fee and/or an account suspension until account balance has been paid in full. The 10 EUR late fee is applied in addition to whatever else is owed to OrangeWebsite for services rendered. Access to the account will not be restored until payment has been received.

It is the customer's responsibility to notify our sales team via email at sales@orangewebsite.com or via contact forms here after paying for a domain renewal and to ensure the email is received and acted upon. Domain renewal notices and invoices are provided as a courtesy reminder and OrangeWebsite cannot be held responsible for failure to renew a domain or failure to notify a customer about a domain's renewal.

Subsequently, domain renewals are billed and renewed 30 days before the renew date. It is the customer's responsibility to notify our sales team via email at sales@orangewebsite.com or via contact forms here for any domain registration cancellation. No refunds can be given, once a domain is renewed. All domain registrations and renewals are final.

Invoices that have been paid more than once with multiple Paypal Subscriptions can only be added as credit towards the account and cannot be refunded via Paypal. If you require assistance with this provision, please contact support via sales@orangewebsite.com email or contact forms here

Subscribers must proactively manage their automatic subscriptions through PayPal, as it governs active subscriptions. It is the client's responsibility to notify us within a 12-month period of any discrepancies. Payments, whether invoiced or automated, made outside this timeframe are ineligible and will not be refunded to the payment method or to credit line.

OrangeWebsite reserves the right to change the monthly payment amount and any other charges at anytime.


Backups and Data Loss

Using our backup services is at client's sole risk. We run backups every second day on shared hosting servers and keep multiple backup copies in our storage server. We reserve a right to charge according to our list prices to retrevieve backup upon client's request. Virtual Servers are not backed-up if no backup service is ordered. VPS backups are taken daily, monthly and weekly. New backup will replace the existing one. We offer external backup storage for dedicated servers. Client needs to setup system to send the backups over to the backup server himself.

Backup services are provided to you as a courtesy. OrangeWebsite is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on OrangeWebsite servers.



The following sections outline various policies that apply to our domain services.


Domain False Positives

When using our domain search ability for domain purchase, it is possible to return a false positive for certain extensions.


Domain Premiums

Our domain search engine can not detect if a domain is a premium domain and will always return as free, this is due to the fact the API to the domain registrar does not return this information. We reserve the right to cancel the domain purchase and refund the amount paid in full. Client can also have the funds credited purchase a new domain name. If the client wishes to buy the premium domain for it's price we can arrange such buy after funds have been received.


Domain Expiration

You acknowledge that you assume all risks and all consequences if you wait until close or after the end of a domain name registration term to attempt to renew the registration. You acknowledge that post-expiration renewal or redemption processes if any, involve additional fees (e.g. Restore fees). You agree that after the expiration of the term (failure to renew the domain in time) of a domain name registration we may remove the domain name from the zone, and direct the domain to nameservers and IP addresses designated by us. We reserve the right to release the domain or do anything with the domain should it not be paid within 14 days of its expiration date (If applicable to the domain extension). You will have no claim over any earnings nor are you entitled to any compensation in exchange therefore over this period. If you do not contact us or pay to renew before the expiration date you agree that you have abandoned the domain and you relinquish any and all rights that you may have had to the domain to us other than the rights that we provide to you in this Agreement.


IBS (.net, .com, .org everything excluding .is) Registration

Our domain registrations are managed by InternetBS registrar, based in the Bahamas, reflecting our commitment to freedom of speech and expression and option of anonymity.

InternetBS has been our trusted partner since our inception, supporting these core values alongside us. They facilitate anonymous domain registration through our platform except in rare cases of country code top level domains (ie: .de, .it etc), ensuring user privacy and freedom.

It's important to note that while they support freedom of speech and have stayed true to the values of Orangewebsite, adherence to both regulations of Bahamas and InternetBS's specific terms of service guidelines is mandatory. Detailed information on InternetBS's current TOS can be read here.


ISNIC (.is) Registration

ISNIC (.is) stands out as a premier domain registrar, renowned for its commitment to freedom of speech and a robust approach to safeguarding the liberties that Iceland is celebrated for. Established in 1995, ISNIC has demonstrated a steadfast adherence to its policies, resulting in an exceptionally low rate of domain shutdowns, primarily limited to instances of policy violation. This reputation underscores their resilience in maintaining principles.

Registrants have the option to enlist their domain under their personal NIC during the registration phase or utilize our NIC services for enhanced privacy protection. However, it is essential to acknowledge that ISNIC retains the authority to require the removal of a domain from under privacy protection, should circumstances warrant such action.

It's important to note that while Iceland is acclaimed for its progressive freedom of speech laws, adherence to both national regulations and ISNIC's specific guidelines is mandatory. Detailed information on ISNIC's current policy framework is available for review here.


Cancellations and Refunds

OrangeWebsite reserves the right to cancel, suspend, or otherwise restrict access to the account at any time with or without notice.

Customers may cancel the service at any time via the client area management panel. OrangeWebsite offers an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee on managed shared hosting for customers who paid the first invoice with Paypal or Bitcoin. Specific terms and conditions regarding this are explained below in section 9.

Cancellation requests received after 30 days from the date the hosting service was activated will go into effect on the renewal date for that particular hosting package, unless the client specifically requests immediate cancellation and termination of the service. This would not, however, change the refund policy. The following methods of payments are non-refundable, and refunds will be posted as credit to the hosting account:

  • Bank Wire Transfers
  • Checks
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Money orders

Transaction fees for any refund will be deducted from the original payment.

There are no refunds for the following:

  • Administrative Fees
  • Install Fees
  • Domain Name Purchases
  • SSL Certificates
  • Self-managed services (VPS/Dedicated Servers)
  • Credit Line (Add Funds)


Bandwidth Usage

You are allocated a monthly bandwidth allowance. This allowance varies depending on the hosting package you purchase. Should your account pass the allocated amount we reserve the right to suspend the account until the start of the next allocation, suspend the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an additional fee, suspend the account until you upgrade to a higher level of package, terminate the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the overages. Unused transfer in one month cannot be carried over to the next month.


Money back Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with our services within the first 30 days from the date your first service has been activated, you will be given a full refund of the contract amount. Remember, this only applies for shared hosting and does not apply to VPS's, dedicated servers, administrative fees, install fees for custom software or domain name purchases.

To receive a refund if eligible please contact support by sending an email to support@orangewebsite.com from your registered email address or open the ticket directly from your client area when logged in here.

OrangeWebsite will not activate new orders or activate new packages for customers who have an outstanding balance with OrangeWebsite. For a new order to be setup or a new package to be activated, you must have a balance of 0.00 EUR or more, unless otherwise stated by OrangeWebsite in writing.


Uptime Guarantee

If your shared server has a physical downtime that is not within the 99.9% uptime you may receive one month of credit on your account. Approval of the credit is at the discretion of OrangeWebsite dependent upon justification provided. Third party monitoring service reports may not be used for justification due to a variety of factors including the monitor's network capacity/transit availability. The uptime of the server is defined as the reported uptime from the operating system and the Apache Web Server which may differ from the uptime reported by other individual services. To request a credit, please contact sales@orangewebsite.com or via contact forms here with justification. All requests must be made in writing via email. Uptime guarantees only apply to shared solutions. Dedicated servers and VPSs are covered by a network guarantee in which the credit is prorated for the amount of time the server is down which is not related to our uptime guarantee.


Reseller Policy

The following sections outline various policies that apply to our reseller services.



As a reseller of our services, you bear the responsibility of ensuring that your clients adhere to our Terms of Service. It is imperative that you communicate our policies effectively to your clients and ensure their compliance. Any breach of these Terms by your clients will be considered a breach on your part.

Please be vigilant in monitoring the activities of your clients on our servers. Failure to enforce our Terms of Service among your clients can result in actions against your reseller account, including but not limited to suspension or termination of your reseller privileges.

As a reseller, you are expected to act in accordance with our policies and maintain the integrity of our services. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safe and compliant hosting environment for all users.


Client Support

It is your duty to manage and support your clients directly. We provide support and service assistance exclusively to you as our reseller. We do not offer direct support to your sub-clients. In instances where a client of yours contacts us directly, we reserve the right to redirect them back to you for resolution.


VPS Non-Authenticated SMTP

All virtual servers have port 25 (non-authenticated) smtp blocked. All servers requiring this port to be enabled, need to be fullfil any of the following criteria:

  • At least 3 months old in existance
  • Billing cycle is quarterly (3-Months) and above
  • VPS Level 3 and above

and a valid reason is given as to why needed. This rule is in place to prevent abusive spoofing behavior on the network. We suggest anyone with legitimate use to send email to utilize secure smtp services such as Sendgrid or SendLayer. Refunds are not given on the basis of the server not having this port enabled as there are good alternatives available for the legitimate end-user.


Cryptocurrency Payment Gateways

We provide payment providers for cryptocurrency which are BitPay and Coinpayment. These providers reserve the right to request KYC (Know your customer).


Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers are delivered with SSH access and KVM if purchased. All credentials are stored in our system encrypted and salted, thus it is entirely client's responsibility to make sure the credentials are saved in a secure place on their behalf. Servers come with pre-installed OS and control panel that customer can chooses when ordering the service.

If no additional backup service is ordered, dedicated servers are NOT backed up by us and it is the responsibility of the client to maintain backups or have a solution for this. You may purchase an additional hard drive and maintain backups to it as the simplest solution. Additional hard drives may be ordered within the initial order or later on by contacting us at sales@orangewebsite.com or via our contact forms here. We guarantee 99.9% network uptime on dedicated servers.

In case we suspect violation of these terms, we try to consult at first with our client to solve the problem before suspending the server. Continuous violations will lead to service suspension.

We respect our clients' privacy and never access their servers without up front permission! This could be in example if the client authorizes us to install a third party software for him.


Price Change

We reserve the right to change prices listed on OrangeWebsite.com, and the right to increase the amount of resources given to plans at any time.


DDoS Protection Service Policy

DDoS Protection Commitment
We commit to providing robust DDoS protection plans designed to shield your services from various types of service exhaustion attacks, in accordance with the specific plan you select. Our DDoS mitigation services are offered at competitive prices, ensuring affordability and effectiveness.

Service Response to Unprotected Attacks
In the event that a service without active DDoS protection is targeted by an attack, we may implement a nullroute on the affected service's IP address for the duration of the attack. Affected clients will receive notification regarding the attack and will have the option to either upgrade their service to include DDoS protection or to wait out the attack.

Penalty for Post-Attack Protection Activation
Activating DDoS protection for a website already under attack may incur a penalty fee of €199.90, exclusive of the regular monthly protection fee. This policy is in place to encourage proactive measures against potential attacks.

Recommendation for Pre-emptive Protection
We strongly recommend that clients who anticipate the possibility of DDoS attacks subscribe to our DDoS protection services at the time of checkout or before any attack occurs. This pre-emptive approach is the most effective way to ensure uninterrupted service and protection against potential DDoS threats.


Price Change

Discounts and coupon codes are reserved for first-time accounts *or first-time customers* only and may not be used towards the purchase of a domain registration unless otherwise specified. If you have signed up using a particular domain, you may not resign up for that domain using another coupon at a later date. Any account found in violation of these policies will be reviewed by our sales department and the appropriate invoices will be added to the account. Coupon abuse will not be tolerated and may result in the suspension or termination of the account. Coupons or discounts are only valid towards the initial purchase, and do not affect the renewal or recurring price.



Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold OrangeWebsite harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney's fees asserted against OrangeWebsite, its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, its agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless OrangeWebsite against liabilities arising out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with OrangeWebsite; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party; (3) copyright infringement and (4) any defective products sold to customers from OrangeWebsite's server.


Disclosure of Information

If access information is requested, OrangeWebsite.com will not disclose such information, unless the party requesting it submits the nesessary security details to verify it's identity. Subscriber may verify his identity by providing us his latest PayPal transaction ID or other similar approved identification method. OrangeWebsite don't disclose any subscriber information to law enforcement or other agencies without valid Icelandic court order.


Changes to the Terms of Services

OrangeWebsite reserves the right to revise its policies at any time without notice.


Legal venue and applicable law

These Terms are governed by Icelandic law. Disputes arising from these Terms shall be brought before the Reykjavik District Court.