Go green with and let your visitors know about it!
Showing a green site seal on your website is a great way to promote your website among visitors. When you order any hosting solution with us, you are eligible to add our free site seal to your website.

Getting Certified
If you are already our client, adding a site seal to your website is simple and easy. Just add a short html snippet to your site's source code and you are good to go. You can find instructions for adding the site seal by logging into your cPanel control panel. In case you opted out of cPanel or need assistance with adding the seal, our customer support will be glad to assist you further!

Promote Your Green Website
You can start your own green campaign with us. We provide green site seal solutions for all of our web hosting customers free of charge. By placing the seal in a visible spot on your website, you can promote your project online. Placing the site seal is easy and doesn‘t require any programming skills.

Placing a green site seal on your page is an effective way to promote your website online. Green site seal is a fully dynamic seal solution. Clicking the seal reveals the authenticity of your website.

Being Green - Does it really make a difference?
Web hosting providers consume significant amounts of energy and, as a result, they produce harmful gases that affect global climate. An average web server produces as much emissions as a large SUV truck. Thus, we feel it is our responsibility to do what we can to neutralize our environmental impact. In order to provide top-quality hosting solutions and 24/7 service, web hosting providers need to run data centers, servers and other related facilities. Most web hosting providers do not use renewable energy and, therefore, they are continuously contributing to the pollution of our beautiful planet.
Renewable energy is not necessarily more expensive than other energy resources. By using green services, you can make a difference and help prevent climate change.